
 2023-12-12 04:17:21  考研全程班多少钱    5

辞去职务信辞去职务信内容应包括简略对地址公司及领导的谢谢,并标明辞去职务缘由并表达抱愧,最终再致歉并送上简略祝福。 第一段首要称谢:i am grateful to be employed as 职位+时刻。thank you for your kind attenti...

第一段首要称谢:i am grateful to be employed as 职位+时刻。thank you for your kind attention and i would appreciate the opportunity of having worked here.
第二段标明自个要辞去职务,列出缘由,比方离家远想换到更近的方位;作业不合适自个等等。如今给我们一个比方:however, i regret having to resign from my position. the reason for changing my working plan is that i have expected the job to be interesting and challenging, which turns out to be the opposite. as a young man full of enthusiasm, i therefore decide to quit this job for something else.
第三段简略标明期望得到答应、抱愧及祝福:i sincerely hope that you approve of my resignation. i am sorry for any inconvenience caused. wish you and your company great success in the future.
告诉信directions: suppose your university is going to host a summer camp for high school students. write a notice to
1) briefly introduce the camp activities, and
2) call for volunteers.
june 20, 2014
to enrich extracurricular activities, our school intends to hold a summer camp for students from high school on july 6, 2015. the event will include english learning and basketball games.
thus, volunteers for this camp are badly needed to assist us in organizing the relevant affairs, including reception, distribution of documents, etc. candidates must have adequate patience with the adolescents. besides, the volunteers ought to have outstanding skills at english. students who have previous experience as volunteers are preferred.
those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before june 30, 2014.
peking university

第一段归纳说要举荐的内容:i am writing to you to recommend .i have sufficient reasons to introduce this to you and i dare say this is the best i have ever seen.
第二段叙说举荐的东西的价值,可以从表面和深层两方面来写:this movie/book/city的主题或城市位于于哪里。what is more, 情节招引人、里边风光引人入胜。finally, this movie will definitely change our attitude toward this world and the people around us. we will learn that......
第三段总结句:therefore i don’t hesitate to recommend this to you. i am sure you will enjoy the? ______ ?? .



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