
 2024-03-29 12:23:18  考研全程班多少钱    17

更多内容请重视微信大众号:研通考研! 作文猜测不为押题, 只为你进考场前再了解一些常考论题! 1、write a letter to apply for a job as an?assistant?in laboratory? 请求一个实验室助理的作业 dear?sir or mad...


1、write a letter to apply for a job as an?assistant?in laboratory?

dear?sir or madam,
? ??i am?writing to express?my interest?in your recently advertised position?for a waitress. enclosed?with this letter?is my resume, which?further?details?my qualifications and previous?work?experience.?
????not only?do my?qualifactions and?work experience?make me?a perfect?candidate?for the job, but my?personality?is well suited?to?working?as an assistant. i am very?friendly?person who can?quickly?establish?a?good relationship with?people?of all ages.
? ? ? ?thank you for your consideration?of?my?application.?i look forward to meeting you in the near future.
yours sincerely,
li ming

2、suppose you are going to?study?in a?famous?university abroad, write a letter to?ask for?some information you think necessary.??

dear sir or madam,
????i am?a chinese?student who wish

es to apply for?admission into your?prestigious?university.?my plan is to start?my course next term, and?i would?be grateful?if you?would be?kind?enough?to provide?me with?certain essential?information.
????first, what?qualification?do i need to follow a course of study?at your?university? i have?already had a?bachelors degree?from peking?university, but i wonder?if there are?any further?academic?requirements. second,?how much?are the tuition?fees??although?i intend to be self-supporting.?i would? be interested to hear if there are any scholarship available?for?international?students. third,?what is?the situation?regarding?accommodation?
????i?look forward to your reply, and to?attending your?esteemed?
li ming

3、suppose you are?organizing a group of students to visit?a?historical?exhibition in a certain city. write a letter to?inquire about?some information.?

dear sir or madam,
????i am organizing?a group pf students to pay a visit to?the historical?exhibition in your?city. therefore, the letter is meant to ask for some relevant information.
????first of all, what?is the size of?the exhibition, what?is its theme and what objects are on display??second,?when?does the exhibition?will be?held and what are the daily opening hours??i must point out that i hope?to bring over?students to the?exhibition. so i would like to inqure?if there is any discount?available?on entrance?tickets for students.?
??i?would be?grateful if you could?supply me with?the information above, and?i look forward to your reply.?
li ming

4、write a notice to?encourage students to participate in the?chinese chinese?speaking?contest.告诉学生参加中文讲演竞赛
????to improve?students union of?department?is organizing a?school-wide?chinese?speaking?contest?on?saturday?next week at students activities center.?
????? ?those who?are interested in?taking part in it?may sign up?with the?monitor?of their?classes before?tuesday next week. five?professors will be?invited?to?be judges.?the first?six winner will be given?awards. everybody is welcome to be present?at the?contest.?
????if you have?any?additional quesions?about the contest,?do not hesitate to contact us?via?1234567.?i am looking forward to your?active?participation.?
students union

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